The Art of Managing Your Career
A resource for self-employed artists and cultural workers
Developed by artists and cultural workers, "The Art of Managing Your Career" provides emerging self-employed artists and cultural workers with pertinent and practical information to better manage their careers.
The Art of Managing Your Career is available in PDF with additional PDF resources created specifically for educators and trainers.
PDF Package
The PDF Package includes:
- The Guide – the full "The Art of Managing Your Career" course resources book in printable PDF format (including exercises).
- One of the 8 Discipline Enhancements – discipline specific documents to enhance "The Art of Managing Your Career" with additional information, resources, tips & pitfalls and links to relevant web sites.
- The Competency Chart – helps you assess your skills to develop goals and efficiently manage your career as a self-employed artist and/or cultural worker.
Resources for Educators and Trainers
This section features teaching tools for The Art of Managing Your Career, for trainers and educators at the high school, college and university levels. Based on the five chapters of The Art of Managing Your Career, they include the High School Teacher's Guide, the Post-Secondary Teacher's Guide and Artist as Entrepreneur, a Grade 11 college preparation course material created by teachers for teachers.
Additional features:
- workshop material developed by and for Aboriginal artists
- workshop material for Nunavut artists in visual arts, performing arts and filmmaking