Cultural Human Resources Council


Other announcements

Love your work? Tell us about it!

Kelly Hill and CHRC have launched a survey that is open from FEB 14 to MAR 6. The goal of the survey is to investigate qualitative elements of working conditions in the arts and culture that are not captured by the Census or other statistical sources.

Why is this survey important? It covers a lot of topics that Hill Strategies and CHRC get requests to cover on an ongoing basis. Topics like self-employment, secondary employment, teaching and affordability challenges.

Tell us what’s affecting you (the good and the bad) and together we can find out.

Survey participants are eligible to get the results and analysis before they go out to the general public.

Share your reality by participating!

Feel free to share the link with others, we’d love to see responses in the thousands!

Thanks and kind regards,

Kelly Hill and CHRC